Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What is a mistake?

Something I hear over and over again is really pissing me off. Basically it is when I hear the words "so and so made a mistake". For example, Joe Dumbass made a MISTAKE when he got in his car sloppy drunk and killed a family of five. Murdering a family of five doesn't really rank in the same category as when you hit reply all on that email you got last week. How about a kid who robs 6 gas stations before being arrested. What is the first thing his lawyer says. Well little Johnny made a mistake when he robbed those stores, so lets take it easy on him. Really? Did Johnny think it was ok to rob that store, did someone tell him robbing a store was an accepted practice. Was Johnny confused when he robbed those six stores that he was taking part in a socially accepted act. Sorry Johnny but that is not a mistake. When someone misspells a word, that is a mistake. Consciously performing an act which you know to be wrong is not a mistake. I think it is about time we chose a better word for these things. How about we use words like Johnny committed a criminal offense. Lets reserve the word mistakes for things that really deserve it. Like spelling errors and picking up the wrong kind of milk at the store. Just think about your reaction to these two statements. "Sorry honey I must have grabbed two percent milk by mistake." Now how about a little different spin on that. "Sorry honey, I seem to have mistakenly shot three people during a bank robbery on the way home. Oh, and the police are probably on the way here now." Do you see my point now?


Kimberly Wright said...

I believe people do make mistakes, like you said in getting the wrong item at the grocery store and I could even go so far in saying someone has made a mistake when they make choices based on misinformation. However you are dead on in that the word "mistake" is used way to often in our society in describing what people do with forethought and with clear information that what they are doing is wrong.
I'm not one to get too hung up on how the English language is used, but there comes a time when we should say what we mean and not use words to lessen the impact of the atrocities committed in our society.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Sorry honey...I mistakenly banged six Cambodian prostitutes and snorted a half gram of Mexican hoola Gold coke in a stolen 81 Lebaron on the way home from a North Alabama cock fight.....oh yea I made a mistake and bet or savings on little Jerry who lost......don't worry I hear we are getting some Bingo and I can make it all back.....I feel jacked up! Wooooooooooo...Do I look a little like Rick Flair.....ROLL TIDE WENCH, GET ME A DAMN MILLER LIGHT!