Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Most Influential Songs of Music



Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Wow both of these are killer.. They never get old. I find it interesting at something that the Ramones, The King and Cash had going here. One, they all have unique styles. They have personalities that are theirs. Today I think everyone is just being rehassed by the record company man to be a slight twist on (insert band here). Two, it sounds like real music, perfected in a garage or a smelly dive somewhere. Are their any songs now that are not massed produced in some Sony factory. If it aint mainstream...we dont hear it.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

I would have liked to have been there when these three things happened
1. Elvis threw the first pelvic shake
2. The first band stepped on stage with big hair and makeup
3. The first time Nirvana belted out teen spirit.

I wonder if people went.."WTF"